New Arrivals: The Oxford Edition is Here

With the launch of Raiment’s latest Oxford collection Casual Wear shirts, the ever-increasing and ever loyal audience of the brand has been treated to something special. The new Oxford edition shirts bring a different outtake on casual style and offer the mobility and funky cool look they’ve become known for while being serious enough for an office-casual setting.

To Tuck or not to Tuck:

The new oxford edition shirts are made for the young and energetic that need functionality along with presentation. The all-new Oxford offers these fast-paced professionals a cure-for-all shirt solution that’s ready for that board meeting when paired with a blazer, is down for a rough day at work and will be there to transform you into the life of the party as soon as you step out of the workplace.

All New Collar

The new collar design of the Oxford edition formal shirts are definitely a game changer when it comes to presentation. Inspired by the antique English look, the formal collars merge into the overall layout of the design perfectly and give a unique corporate feel to the overall persona.

Roll ‘em up, or down

The cuffs are also a great aspect of the shirt as when they’re rolled down and cuffed up, the shirt can help you stay presentable in virtually any formal setting. Yet when rolled up, the sheer contrasts between the inner fabric and the outer shade make for the perfect embellishment.

Colors and shades

An ever increasing demand calls for an ever increasing need for us the listen to what the fans recommended, the result are a delightful combo of light and dark hue shirts that sure to be your ticket to being a killer in the board room and everyday life.

The new Oxford is here, and this casual shirt carries enough punch to u the center of attention in any setting. Head on over to the website or visit us at our stores in Karachi and Faisalabad

By |2021-03-08T13:29:53+00:00November 28th, 2019|blog, Fashion|0 Comments

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